Florence Red


When nobody hears you shout

When you encounter a blackout

All you need is a hand, a hand to reach out


When the whole world seems to crumble

When your heart starts to tremble

All you need is a hand, a hand honest and humble


When you see no light

When you are ready to deboard the flight

All you need is a hand, a hand holding you tight


When you can’t stop crying

When your insides are dying

All you need is a hand, a hand telling you it’s fine


 When they betray you

When you are left with a few

All you need is a hand, a hand by your shoulder out of the blue


 When  life gives you a major blow

When you feel drained and low

All you need is a hand, a hand which comforts you throughout the flow


When you aspire more than you need

When you are intoxicated by greed

All you need is a hand, a hand which pulls away this weed


When you need health by your side

When you dream of happiness throughout the ride

All you need is a hand,  a hand that stays by you through every tide