
The Human Race

The Human Race

We have a history of ignorance and hate

For brother against brother is our past

From the very beginning blood divided

Cain’s anger rose within him so fast

Humans that come from the same source

And framed by a genetic code called DNA

Now divided by their culture’s bent

Yet fundamentally the same at end of day

We let philosophies and politics divide us

Religion and ethnicity not far behind these

But the same troubles and trials unite us

For heartaches bring us all to our knees

Gay or straight, right or left, the path

Still there is only one response to give

For no matter where the road led us to

Love for our fellow man is how to live

Still the blood cries out to God up above

As He looks down in heartbreak and love

If My children could only see My grace

They would know that there is only one race

It is for all of humanity that I gave my life

And for every soul that I hung in your place

All so that grace could end all the strife

Between the one and only, Human Race