Garth Rakumakoe

A Morning In Autumn

I lay the morning pages down

for a brisk morning walk

afloat the drying leaf carpet

gracing the earth floor

Far as the eye can see,

nature attests, the warmth of thee


Your affection conjures the fondest

of memories,

as my weak sceptic heart

grieves leaving sunny sentiments behind

for what is to come

Assured in your motherly embrace

from my breath\'s vapored silhouette

tinged by winter\'s eve,

stings the solemn paradox

of a temporary goodbye

though I am not alone

with the very own footsteps of time

clicking beside me, carried by favour

I am humbled and in awe

at the marvel of thine orangery

and sheer wonder of creation,

outlined by the colors

in the harmonious notes

of the cooing dove

and last sparrow


I age with Grace, as I stand to remember

while the Creator spared me

in your time

the absolute beauty of living

was most accentuated