Armaan Rai

The Dystopian world

Suffering is everywhere, inevitably I shall get my share. Unfair society up to the brim with crime, this vessel implodes, we couldn’t fix it in time
Violence creates picket fences, humanity is no longer existential. The weak suffer countless assaults, yet we refuse to fill our cracks and faults.


Suffering is everywhere, inevitably I shall get my share. Poverty resides everywhere, utopian visioners still unaware.
Our world, stabbed with brutality, makes me lose my faith in humanity As I attempt to reclaim my sanity. I desperately search for an ounce of clarity. 


Suffering is everywhere, inevitably I shall get my share. North Korea sets a new example of a dystopia.
Authoritarian states of powerful groups, people stuck in quicksand, it’s a vicious loop. The brutal Repressive regimes of Syria, violation of human rights in Saudi Arabia.


Suffering is everywhere, inevitably I shall get my share. Hell on earth slowly establishing, our compassion slowly vanishing
Each untimely death presents a testament, a warning, we create a life that longs to see a new morning
Dawn that brings hope for a change. Only if it was as easy as turning a page 


And yet as you tell me not to lose hope. I contemplate once more if our world could cope
As another woman gets crushed under misogyny As another coloured person strives to retain their dignity
As another youth cracks under pressure. We fail to see this fallen treasure.