kitty the naughty poet

Playground Politics.

The gossip on the playground
is not done by the kid,
As they all stand in their own little click.
The kids are all off playing
doing their own unique thing.
As the parents
give looks that could kill
Whisper with a snide comment,
about how you look or what you do.

Some of you people
could learn a thing or two,
From the children that call you parent.
Watch how they laugh and play
with that kid, from the family you said was shit
Watch how they dance and sing
as they all walk in.

So the next time you\'re on the playground
here’s what I think you should do.
Be kind to the mum who looks half-dead,
the one with the kid hanging from her neck.
You don’t know what she has been through.
How would you like it?
what if it happened to you?

Written by: Katie Clarke