Tune: Deus Tuorum Militum
(\'Awake, awake, fling off the night\')
Psalm 74 v.12
For God He is my King of old
His wondrous works, let them be told
He be working His salvation
In midst of earth, to each nation
Psalm 74 v.17
He has set borders of the earth
Bring each season again tobirth
Summer, Autumn, Winter, and Spring
He made them all, let praises ring
Psalm 75 v.1
Unto you, O God, we thanks give
For your name endures e\'er, you live
Your works do show your power, might
And they marvellous to our sight
Psalm 75 v.5
Lift not up your own strength on high
Recall the LORD, for He is nigh
Speak not in insolent pride, though
God\'s grace in humility show
Psalm 76 v.1-2
In Judah is God known, His Son
Descended from the tribe, that One
In Jerusalem, there God dwells
There be His Temple, each tongue tells
Psalm 76 v.8-9
The LORD caused judgement to be heard
It from Him, righteous be His word
Then the earth feared and was still for
He saved the meek, lowly, and poor