Vamsi Sudha

Tribute to a POET !!!

Poetry a rush of feeling of Emotions,
Surpass the words beyond Annotations,
A torrent of feel, which is Spontaneous,
Carves itself into a rich poem, Harmonious !!!


Where speech fails, poetry Wins,
Crisp and candid it hits the Depths,
The poet’s exuberance is Captured,
The reader is enlivened and Enraptured !!


When sensitivity to surroundings Develops,
Natural cascade of poetry Manifests,
Eyes which see the magic beyond Coherence,
Are the ones which can express in Abundance.


Oh!! Poet you make this world a Richer Place,
With your sublime usage of words, which Grace,
May the poets of the world Flourish,
Ennobling this bland world with their Garnish.....!!!