Garth Rakumakoe

The Fallen Birds Of Jamaica Bay

Out in Jamaica Bay

air traffic of no traffic light

has claimed many a feathered child

I heard on the news today

their bodies lay still on the ground

because mankind desires to fly


Before the air had crossroads and lines

they could soar lightly and freely

over the expanse of oceans

from all corners of the globe

Now they move fearfully

and cautiously

on their migratory road

lest they get in the way

and death marries their fate


Now some never make it home

those still left see their kins\' souls

nest eggs and orphaned infants

from above, taken from the skies

They made way for bird machines

with engines for bosoms

whence man\'s concrete

shall not break stride


They lay still on the ground

At their arrival nature used to sing

now the universe frowns


I heard on the news today,

their bodies lay still on the ground

So wanting to fly

unkind mankind\'s envy

shot them down