
A Day as a Life

At the Dawn of life it was all bright and warm.

Life welcomes you with smile and joyous wishes.

As the light moves to occupy the horizon, so is your minds.

As light unveil things in the dark, it makes you see life.


As the light became brighter and hotter you felt the struggles in life.

Drought makes you fight for your life with others.

Life is always about finding the oasis that will quench your egos.


As the dusk approaches you got tired of looking forward.

The darkness eats the horizon slowly.

It dims your hope that you could still see what you are looking for.

You started to count on meaningful things you have done, only to found none.

Tears fell from your eyes and slowly created an oasis.

An oasis full of regrets and pain started to drown you.

Too late, darkness has already come and help could not come.