
Revelations of 1945

Slowly fading away, 

darkness slowly overtaking. 


Death washing over, 

regret in your soul. 


Though some may be soulless,

and killers may triumph,


in the end, 

those with spirit shall prevail. 


Embrace the feeling,

as death washes over you. 


Relive your memories- 

bullets, death, war. 


All for a noble cause,

though some can’t say the same. 


Those who once sought power, 

eventually lost it all -


as gaining it takes lifetimes,

but losing it takes seconds. 


Fire scorches the beaches,

soldiers storm the sacred city,


And as one bullet goes off, 

the darkness slowly turns to light. 


Ah, for the end to be so near,

yet darkness never truly fades…


the darkness has always been there,

lurking in the shadows. 


War, plague, death, destruction,

all a product of humanity,

the one who bears the duality

of the light- and the dark  


These revelations come to me

during my final hour.


Farewell my fellow soldiers,

as the light inside me slowly dies.


As I near the end,

I no longer embrace the light,

Or the dark.


I embrace myself.