Garth Rakumakoe


At times, in these times

up into the night I gaze and wonder

whether Orion\'s body knows

what this period signifies

that parts flesh and souls

somewhat in the same way

day and night separate 


Her all seeing eye

in its multitude, must know

what turns out the stars

and dims the human light

whose last breath escapes

in the graveside mournful cry

of the orphaned child

She must feel the pulse

of souls yearning to wake

their own bodies up

to re-join their loved ones

with no masks on

even be it just for the day


She must journey into the abyss

knowing, watching them who made

just taking a breath so unsafe

one after the other

plucking out the precious stars

adorning her glorious robe of life,

for the stars are too many they say,

there\'s no room for the night

all the while digging up Mars

for signs of life - some \"other\" life

I suppose


Aurora must bear witness

how the world suffocates

beneath the reddened moon

as they pluck away

at her enchanted womb,


of their destined odyssey 

through the gates

of their very own fate

whence she\'s bound

to meet them