dusk arising

they never leave you

they never leave you
the screams of brothers in arms
they never leave you
their bloody tortured bodies
in fields of blood and mud


nor hedgerow thorn ripped guts
where swollen bodies burst and stink
beside tank track flattened souls
eyes that stare in deaths peril
or the blood on your hands


but today they ask us to dress
to stand tall in memory
and show to you medals
our brothers won for you
paying dearly with their lives


stand tall and never forget
the unforgettable
sarcastically acknowledge
their hope for a world peace
which never comes


stand tall, for once we were
young and fit and able bodied
we, the survivors
your token that we won
only to watch society move along


no, they never leave you
though sat in an easy chair of age
custard creams and teacups
blazers and medals but
torn bodies lie screaming
in my mind