

A city of smoke

a city of smokers 

some cars that smoke 

some industries that smoke 

I live in a city of smoke 

the smog plagues the air

its been long since the sun rose high

the white smoke covering all night 

They ask 

when did, I start puffing 

It takes  time 

to recall inside 

when was the first time 

I was small 

small indeed 

to understand smoke 

Have been a smoker since long 

not active though 

a passive smoker 

living in a city of smoke 


Once crystal water beside

as clear where fishes swarm

today it’s poison flowing

with dead fishes rowing 

the glaciers run wild 

the river floods, the Nile 

there is draught on other side

and we question 

why Mother Nature, you run havoc ?

with shamelessness in eyes 

we dare to urge her 

Urge to stop the mayhem 

but, did we ever realise 

who was the culprit

acting lame 

making the city plague 

Hiding the beautiful face 

Behind  the masks with  lace 

Days pass by 

only with pledges as a passer by 

while some cities vanishes side by 

people loosing their lives