Ishika Gautam


I wandered in this garden,
Where this darkness took place,
Nothing was seen,
Except the weeds in a glance,
Two set of weeds,
Bundled in all together,
One made a heart,
And the other made a dagger,
The confusion and me,
All locked up in that garden,
With the set of weeds,
And no sign of all the men,
I was given a spade,
To murder me or the ground?
I was again a confused mannequin,
But now with a face of frown,
I looked closer to the heart,
It showed me love and peace,
But the dagger drawn aside,
Was the end of my deeds,
I ended up burying the heart,
Which was broken a lot,
I teared it down from middle,
And now its my own fault,
The broken thoughts will grow,
In that garden which was mine,
The dagger will be ruined,
Which was the start of lost shine.