
Playing Hooky

Playing Hooky

You ever feel liking playing hooky

Just taking a break from the daily grind

A trip to the bakery for our favorite cookie

Snacking on junk food to ease the mind

You ever want to break free from the norm

And do something totally off of the wall

Like go and sit on sand that is warm

Or row out to an island discreet and small

Wanna jump on a plan to wherever it goes

Or just ride in the car till we run out of gas

Climb a mountain and strike a pose

Stop to see the view on a mountain pass

Or we could take a walk in a pouring rain

Lay on the grass at night gazing at the sky

Maybe run naked through fields of grain

And then laugh so hard we start to cry

Do you ever feel like playing hooky

Just not gonna play the game today

Let’s stay home and have some nooky

And squeeze ever bit of life out of this day