Saxon Crow

Fate #1

Who are you
But the mirror that cracked that day
The day my world turned to splintered disposition.
You are the storm to my sun
The shadow and the clown
You are the past in my future
Trapped in the now
All because I said yes not no
Fate holds no allegiance except unto itself
And it was fate that shattered my reflection in you
So now I\'m lost rudderless and without compass
Not knowing where I am heading
Or which course to set
Just drifting as Hecate would steer the sea of my destiny
Each ripple a journey through my imagination 
And yet to fear would be pointless for a well ordered mind.
For the unknown is neither good or bad
If only the rooms in my head were so tidied
But alas there be foul things in the shadows of my memory
The splintered glass still reflects there
And the look of your eyes will forever haunt
All because I said yes and not no