Jesse G.

Come unto me

The Eternal Way of the sages is movement and rest.

I can become so quiet yet my presence remains.

Where does presence end and silence begin my love?

All that I know is life\'s dance.

All that I am is life itself.

I am unknown to myself, known by expression.

I am constant and complete.

Clarity in mind, gratitude in heart.

My faith is in you dear, the eyes that see and the ears that hear.

I have no location or boundary, I am formless.

Where our love meets is indivisible and that is my dwelling.

Forever safe in the blanket of Truth, I take refuge.

I invite you to take refuge in me.

The expression of life will always change my love.

Surrender yourself to silence, no hungry mind to feed.

The silent presence has no fear, no need.

You are there beautiful one, the veil is lifted.