Vamsi Sudha

LOVE - A Tender Feeling !!!

A tender feeling, never know when it Sprouts,
Never apprises with signals as it Enshrouds,
Before we realize, we are in it Dug Deep,
And there is nothing beyond it, to Peep !!


A feeling deep inside, sweetens with intense Excitement,
Heart misses a beat, all while with Contentment,
An overflowing affection, wanting a Connection,
Expecting nothing in return, in this Transaction !!


A time when the logic of Mind Stops,
And the beautiful magic of Heart Starts,
A taciturn state, A Heart-to-Heart talk Prevail,
Language of Love, words fall behind Trail !!


Lots Of Valuable Energy (LOVE) for Sure,
A feeling beyond description, which Rapture ,
We Don\'t Fall in Love, but  We Rise, 
As LOVE, is nothing but an Earthly Paradise  !!!