Miss Pain


I don’t want to be taken Seriously 

When I write so nervously

My body hurts undeservedly

I feel it first in my right hand

But I don’t really understand 

Then my feet

Start there own heart beat

I can’t keep them still

Don’t know how to chill

So I smoke

And hold it in till I choke 

It numbs my lungs

It Loosens my tongue

But when I go out

My anxiety begins to shout

I’m the girl they warned you about

Rocking in my chair

Pulling out my hair

Running back to nowhere

I know they see

Me acting frantically 

They call me


Which puts me in a panic

And then I get sick

Start talking really quick 

Telling them about my pain 

But how could I explain

To someone who’s never felt the rain

It’s a sudden flash flood

And I’m covered in mud

But I got soap in my pocket

Bubbles take off like a rocket

Lifting me to a new land

Isn’t that grand?

A place to find ones self

A galaxy on a shelf

Close your eyes and come with me

I\'m quitting thc

We are going to IOP