Ishika Gautam

Scared To Be Brave

These thoughts of mine,

Found themself a cage,

They used to beautifully shine,

Before they were expressed as rage,

They used to twinkle in this night,

And so gloomy at the same,

How the dark came in my sight,

Will forever be my shame,

Now when they won\'t come out,

Even the cage\'s shutter is open,

I swear I will not shout,

And be like them in this den,

Now when I want them,

Or the worse was they were a need,

I was counting till ten,

Still I was not able to lead,

I peeked into the black and white,

From the sufficient light I had,

The light blew my mind,

And the bloody nerves dancing in sad,

The nerves of my thought,

With the little blade I once gave,

I wish the little it must have fought,

But was it scared to be brave?