Heavenly bells ring
Birds of paradise sing
Flowers bloom in the spring -
Light breezes which also bring
Listen !
A child laughs
A laugh melodious and gay
Which dispels the blues and gray
A delightful clear sound
In the hearts of young kids found
Sweeter than anything heard
Sound of music, song of bird
Bringing a warmth to the heart
Promising that it will never part…
Radiant, upturned faces
Frocks of silk and laces
Of happiness – a great many traces
As the children run their races
A delight fills the soul
As bells of welcome toll
The sun’s a ball of gold
Its tones are bright and bold..
But my soul
Is stirred
Only by the laughter of a child
Laughter – timid and happy
As well as sweet and mild
It gladdens my heart, my whole being
It delights me as riches would, a king….