
For Kat O

The first time I saw you. You just blew me away. 

Your smile, that laugh. That damn laugh!

That beautiful hair, running down your head like a gentle waterfall. 

Your skin. So perfect in every way. Soft, supple.

It\'s your eyes that get to me the most.

They\'re the greenest emeralds I\'ve ever seen.

I feel like you\'re looking straight through me.

Into my very soul, and beyond. 

Way back in the day you got to me.

Now, today, you still get to me.

I\'d give just about anything and everything,

For just a chance, one chance.

To meet you, to spend time w/ you.

Grab dinner, a glass of wine.

Possibly even spend the night w/ you?

A dream. Nothing but a dream.

The dream vanishes in the morning light.

Have to live w/o her, don\'t want to.

Would be wonderful to get even a, \'Hi.\'

All I can do is create and publish in her name.

Kat Ogden, I love you, now and forever.

I am yours. You\'ve done me in.