Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla

Dalit girl: Naanna or Dad, I want to go to school...

Dalit girl: Naanna or Dad, I want to go to school.

Dalit father: Amma (daughter), you can’t go to school.

Girl: Why, Naanaa?

Father, you\'re not safe there, maa.

Dalit Mother/Amma: Amma(daughter), silence, don’t ask us about school.

Girl: Why, mother?

Mother: I told you, that’s it.

Girl: Why, maa?

Mother and father sternly: Because there are Hindu houses, maa

You can’t walk over Hindu houses, maa.

There are Hindu people.

There are Brahmin caste people.

There are Kshatriya caste people.

There are Vaishya caste people.

There are Reddy caste people.

There are Kamma caste people.

There are Kapu caste people.

There are Mangali caste people.

There are Chakali-caste people.

There are Kuruma caste people.

There are Vaddera-caste people.

There are Yadav caste people.

There are Gouda caste people.

There are Kummari-caste people.

There are Vadrangi-caste people.

There are Balija-caste people.

There are other Hindu caste people, too.

Girl: Naanna, is school safe?

Father: Amma, school is not safe for us.

Girl: Why, father?

Because the school is filled with Hindu students and teachers,

Naanna: Hindu students and teachers rape untouchable girls...

Naanna: How can you attend school by crossing their lustful eyes, maa?

Naanna: You can’t understand now, maa.

Naanna: Mother and I cared more about your life than your education, maa.

Girl: Naanna, Is there any school for our caste?

Naanna, Yes, maa, we have a separate school for our untouchable caste, but it is not in our village.

Girl: So can I go to our school in another village?

Mother: Oh no maa, there are also Hindus. You can’t leave our Madiga ghetto.

Girl: Naanna, What will happen to me if i walk in front of Hindus?

Mother: Nothing will happen, but they will rape you, kill you, and throw your body into our canal like our sisters in Khairlanji.

Girl: Naanna, what is Khairlanji?

Khairlanji is a village in Maharashtra where our uncle Bhotmange\'s wife, Surekha Akka, and their daughter Priyanka were gang-raped by the entire Hindu village in front of their Hindu women, and their sons, Sudhir and Roshan, were cut into pieces by Hindu men such as Gopal Sakru Binjewar, Sakru Binjewar, Shatrughna Dhande, Vishwanath Dhande, Prabhakar Mandlekar, Jagdish Mandlekar, Ramu Dhande, Shishupal Dhande, on September 29, 2006 for attending school, maa.

Girl: Daddy, the police are not there.

Naanna: No, maa, the entire police, judiciary, and government are Hindus, so we untouchables can’t get justice in this Hindu nation.

Girl: Oh daddy, mummy, I won’t go to school.

Parents: My good daughter, we don’t need death but life, maa.

Girl: Naanna, then how can I get an education with these hurdles from Hindus?

Mother: We’ll take you to another Madiga village where a separate government school is running for our Untouchables. Till then, don’t go outside, maa. Hindus are walking around our ghetto.

Mother: Maa, be careful, they\'re animals.

Our country is a Hindu country.

Every moment, untouchables are lynched by Hindus.

Every moment, Untouchables are slaughtered by Hindus.

Every moment, Untouchables are maimed for life by Hindus.

Every moment, Untouchables are bullied by Hindu hoodlums.

Every moment, Hindu thug intimidates untouchables.

Every moment, Untouchables are raped by Hindu punks.

Every moment, Untouchables are burnt by Hindu hooligans.

Every moment, Untouchables are being teased by Hindu yodis.

Every moment, Untouchables are scorned by Hindu Yobbos.

Every moment, Untouchables are excluded by the Hindu Yob.

Every moment, Untouchables are laughed at by Hindu Yobo.

Every moment, Untouchables are cruelly criticized by Hindu strong-arms

Every moment, Untouchables are verbally abused by Hindu mobs.

Every moment, Untouchables are physically abused by Hindu goons.

Every moment, Untouchables are treated as invisible by Hindu society.

Every moment, Untouchables are discounted as human beings by Hindu Yoginis.

Every moment, Untouchables are made to feel small by Hindu assailants.

Every moment, Untouchables are made to feel insignificant by Hindu tyranny.

Every moment, Untouchables are intimidated by Hindu text.

Every moment, Untouchables are excluded from learning by the Hindu text.

Every moment, Untouchables are unfairly excluded from drinking water from Hindu women.

Every moment, Untouchables are denied access to basic human needs by Hindu civil society.

Every moment, Untouchables are excluded from naming themselves by Hindus.

Every moment, Untouchables are excluded from the basic right to ‘our bodies, our choice’ by Hindus.

Every moment, Untouchables are granted derogatory terms by Hindus.

Every moment, Untouchable women are granted forced sexual slavery by Hindus.

Every moment, Untouchable girls are given to sexual slavery by Hindus.

Every moment, Untouchable girls are forced to become Devadasis, or sexual slaves, by Hindus.

Every moment, Untouchables are regarded as inadequate, incompetent, and premature by Hindus.

According to police reports in India:

Every day, 25 untouchable girls are raped by Hindus.

Every day, 10 old-aged untouchable women are raped by Hindu young men.

Every day, 20 to 25 untouchable houses are burnt by Hindus.

Every day, 15 untouchable men are killed by Hindus.

Every day, millions of untouchables are maimed for life by Hindus.

The Ground Reality of Indian Civil Society is that \"every moment untouchable is perished from the muddy piece of Hindu land.\"… Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla the \"Untouchable Spring\"

Dr. Suryaraju Mattimalla B.A.,M.A.,M.Phil.,Ph.D(History)


Blog: TIGRAY GENOCIDE IN ETHIOPIA (dejazamtchnegussebezabih.blogspot.com),

Twitter:  Dr Suryaraju Mattimalla (@DrMattimalla) / Twitter, 

Facebook: Surya Raju Mattimalla | Facebook

Author of unpublished autobiography:

\"Why I Am Not Indian: The Untouchable Rejecting India\'s Citizenship\"

 E-mail: [email protected]