
Trapped In A State Of Mind

Trapped In A State of Mind

Some times the dark is so dark it’s heavy

The quite so quite it hurts your ears

Some times the pain is bone deep

And the sadness to sad, to shed tears

Some times the tricks your mind plays

Deal the deadliest blows to your soul

Depression and anxiety tell you their lies

Their web of deceit take it’s mighty toll

You try to pull out, to see life as it really is

But your mind misfires the message sent

And though you want so bad to be free

That you work, try, and pray, until spent

You feel lost, like on the open sea all alone

And everyone around you cannot see

Though your waving your arms like mad

Trying to form the words; HELP ME!

Why didn’t you say something they ask

Tell us why didn’t you cry out in your fear

I wanted to, you weakly get out your reply

In fact I tried but the words were not near

If I could have said them, told it all to you

It would have seemed like a foolish tale

There just are not words sufficient to say

What it’s like to live in this hell