kitty the naughty poet

Fight, Flight.

Fight, Flight.


Solitary is purgatory,
a textured separation,
from the world outside my window,
the mask of my character,
profusely broken & cracked,
as words escape silently unspoken,
defecting between coherence & suffering,
empty thoughts scream in the dark,
surrounding my spirit,
ripping my psyche apart.

Despair follows thereafter,
decamping courage,
my perspective changes directions,
flight mode rebooting,
a transformation in landscape,
approach with caution,
expressions of unique structures,
art in all their forms,
flow before my third eye.

A strong prevailing light,
emanates pockets of passion,
waterfalls of darkness sing,
wrenching unseen wounds,
gripping my name,
drowning is imminent,
heavy mental waves,
dwindle, smothered fight no more.

Sorrow spills from concealed ailments,
as I lay amongst my shattered remains,
crimson drips invisible,
weaving amidst colours of creativity,
red as the fire that threatens to burn,
blue as the sea in the ocean,
gold as the sunlight above,
green and brown as the earth,
humming gently beneath my ruptured essence.

Written By: Katie Clarke