
Suffering Sensibility

Tune: Breslau

(\'Take up they cross, the Saviour said\')

1 Peter 4 v.13-16


Rejoice, in that you do partake

Of Christ\'s sufferings for His sake

That when His glory be revealed

[Then] Gladness, and great joy unconcealed


If you be reproached for the name

Of Christ, know He suffered the same

Yet blessed are you, for the spirit

Of glory rests on you each whit


He the spirit of God, and though

Afflictions, insults you may know

From they who evil of Christ speak

But [He is] glorified in you, the meek


Let none suffer as murderer

Not thief, nor as evildoer

Nor as busybodies, meddlings

Interfering in other\'s things


Yet if any one as Christian

Suffers, no need for shame, no one

But glorify God through suffering

Trusting that He bring good, each thing