
The Lie That Failed

Her soft voice was peculiar to his ear,

The words bitter sweet seemed to be spoken loudly,

Not because her voice was loud but because her words reached the depths of his soul,

These are the words that bring both death and life to the hearer,

This is the voice that speaks to him who receives both the hearing and the listening,

She spoke about a world he had never walked on but wanted to,

She spoke of a place that he visited only in his minds eye,

This was a place of freedom from fears,

Where the colors are unexplainable,

The human tongue doesn’t have words to explain and yet it exists,

This was a place that held all options before him but like a vapor,

Gone, gone, gone..

Any time he grasped he was catching smoke,

The scenery was amazing but not tangible,

Her words spoke of only the things his heart knew was true,

These words like molasses dripped through his pores became apart of his being,

This would seem as it were a destined place,

Could fate either cause him to see or miss this peculiar place,

As she continued to speak he held his breath because missing her words would crush his immortal soul,

Why hast thou spoken betwixt time and space she says,

Why hast though kept silent when thou shouldest speak,

For the place wherein thou shalt travel has one direction,

Forward and only forward, be it fast or slow on forward shalt thou go,

He decided that he’d seen enough of this life over the years and as he slipped into unconsciousness, her words still smooth for a moment but in the end he realized 

she lied….