Saxon Crow

The First Time I Played Croquet With My Dad

The first time my daddy took me to play 

A sport that he loves and does every day

Ended in tragedy, well for him you will see

But we\'ll get to that part for its so very savoury. 

Croquet is the game with sticks, balls and hoops

You need a good aim but not much else

And so it was on that fateful day

When he took me to his lawn

So proud of his game

And then it began, after some instruction

My father\'s complete and utter destruction 

\'crack went my ball\' through a hoop first time

I didn\'t gloat much, well not a long while 

\'miss\' went my dad so I took aim and then

My little ball went through a hoop once again

And so the game went on

You could cry beginners luck

But by the look on his face my dad gave a well you know. 

So ever since then I\'ve let him win

It makes him feel good and I do a good thing.............. 

Yeah right! The old man he beats me now every single time

But he\'s had to work at it

Every day of his life