Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla

Denial of denial

Denial of denial

Historically, you denied me.

Historically, you refused me.

Historically, you reduced me.

Historically, you rejected me.

Historically, you violated me.

Historically, you accused me

Historically, you forced me.

Historically, you disavow me.

Historically, you repudiated me.

Historically, you repulsed me.

Historically, you disowned me.

Historically, you entrapped me.

Historically, you trailed me.

Historically, you lynched me.

Historically, you brutally harassed me.

Historically, you denied me in the name of caste.

Historically, you denied me in the name of purity and impurity.

Historically, you denied me in the name of gender.

Historically, you denied me in the name of race.

Historically, you denied me in the name of jurisprudence.

Historically, you denied me in the name of the caste constitution.

Historically, you denied me in the name of Hindu religion.

Historically, you have denied me in the name of Hindu scripture.

Historically, you denied me in the name of Hindu law.

Historically, you denied me in the name of disclaimer.

Historically, you denied me in the name of asseveration.

Historically, you denied me in the name of affirmation.

Historically, you persecuted me.

Historically, it is genocide.

It is a caste-based genocide.

It is an untouchability-based genocide.

It is a religious-based genocide.

It is a Hindu-based genocide.

It is a genocide against untouchables.

Tens of millions of untouchables perished.

Tens of millions of Devadasis perished.

Tens of millions of scavengers perished.

Historically, millions of untouchables perished.

Where is my genocide history?

Where is my caste-based genocide history?

Where is my untouchability-based genocide history?

Where is my Kanchekacherla Kotesh?

Where is my Karamchedu?

Where is my Tsundur?

Where is my Rajupalem?

Where is my Kambalapalem?

Where is my Khairlanji?

Where are those massacres in your history?

Where is my genocide news on your BBC?

Where is the genocide news on your CNN?

Where is the genocide news in your UNO?

Where is the genocide news in the USA?

Where is the news of my genocide in your EU?

Where is the genocide coverage in Hollywood?

Where is the genocide news in your Washington, D.C.?

Where is the genocide news in your agent countries?

What have you done to them with your magic?

Oh, I forgot

You have weapons.

Weapons of Yoga:

Weapons of Meditation

Weapons of Spirituality

Weapons of Vegetarianism

Hindu festival weapons

Weapons of ISCON

The Weapons of Incredible India

Weapons of Mother Teresa

Gandhi\'s Armaments

Weapons of Indian beauty

Weapons of Punditry

Brahmin\'s Weapons

Weapons of Marriage

Weapons of Marriage

Weapons for Hindu women

Nehru\'s Weapons

Weapons of the Nobel Prize

NASA\'s Weapons

The Weapons of Cambridge University

The Weapons of Oxford University

Weapons of the White Western States

Weapons of Bollywood

They are your weapons.

I avoided your false Hindu religion.

I refuse your ideology.

I rejected your lies.

I justified my Christian conversion.

I forswear your yoga conspiracy.

No, I\'m not saying to be your slave.

I am denying being your slave.

I objected to your transgression.

I am not your rubbish.

I am not your garbage.

I am not your trash.

I am not your dustbin.

I am your longstanding untouchable.

I am the last man standing against your Hindutva ideology.

I am exposing your cruelty.

I am exposing your historical lies.

I am exposing your magic lies.

I am exposing your yoga lies.

I am exposing your meditation lies.

I am exposing your Indian lies.

I am exposing your Hindutva lies.

I am exposing your Buddhist lies.

I am exposing your Sikh lies.

I am exposing your Asian lies.

I am exposing your pacific lies.

I am exposing your Islamic lies.

I am exposing your Jainas lies.

I am exposing your parsis lies.

I know what you want to do to me.

I know you want to burnt me alive like Kanchekacherla Kotesh for making love with your woman

I know you want to lynch me like Jhajjar Dalits for eating cow meat.

I know you want to massacre me like Tsundur Dalits for drinking water.

I know you want to burn me like the Tamil Dalits for boycotting your slavery.

I know you want to burn me alive like in The Kilvenmani Massacre in which 44 of my Untoucahbles were burnt alive.

I know you want to cut my body into pieces like my Khairlanji Dalit sons for attending school.

I know you want to rape me if I am a female child, just like you raped and killed my Khairalji sister and her daughter in front of your Hindu women.

I know you want to stone-to-death me if I am in India.

But how now?

I am not in your filthy Hindu nation to lynch me.

I knew even your Brahmin son and your agents knew the ancient way of killing untouchables.

You are more well-known than ISIS.

You are more notorious than Alkhaida.

You are more notorious than Boko Haram.

They are insignificant in comparison to your adhunika Hindu dharma.

They know only beheading.


You know several methods of killing and raping untouchables.

Even scientists could not identify my body.

Even Interpol could not identify my body.

You will dismember my body for exposing your millions of years of violence against untouchables.

I am denying you now...

Dr. Suryaraju Mattimalla B.A.,M.A.,M.Phil.,Ph.D(History)


Blog: TIGRAY GENOCIDE IN ETHIOPIA (dejazamtchnegussebezabih.blogspot.com),

Twitter:  Dr Suryaraju Mattimalla (@DrMattimalla) / Twitter, 

Facebook: Surya Raju Mattimalla | Facebook

Author of unpublished autobiography:

\"Why I Am Not Indian: The Untouchable Rejecting India\'s Citizenship\"

E-mail:[email protected] 

 Published poems by Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla at My poetic side