James Alexander


In the springtime of my youth

brooks ran free and clear

winding thru leaf covered trees

along paths of apple and pear.


Traveling thru brush and bramble

while birds sang bright and clear

to the tune of buzzing bees

was music to my ears.


I\'d see brightly painted patches

of yellow and purple petals

of Violets and Buttercups

nestled among the nettles.


There among lavender Asters

and hovering butterflies

lie painted fields of Daisies

a spectacle to my eyes.


The fragrant smell of Honeysuckle

and  Wisteria in the air

wild Blueberries and Roses

are a delight for my senses to bear.


I\'d search along trails

for antlers deer once bore

and gaily painted rocks left

by playful hikers before.


As age slowly turns to Fall

the joy of Nature has never wained

and the urge to heed Nature\'s call

and pleasures of hiking still remain.