Bill Smith Parker Sr.

My drinking and my last song

You still are with me after all these years 

you roll your eyes as I sing to drinking songs 

I lie to you often then come clean 

lord knows I’ve been drinking 

you know I lie but usually I come clean 

that’s why I wrote this in a note attached to my will 

you roll your eyes as I sing drinking songs I guess I wrote one and placed it with my last Will and this is my testament 


you know I lie but usually come clean and I always will 


we been at the lawyers table 

at the hotel at your mamas back room 

my sisters fancy couch I laid my head praying that if I come clean You’ll forgive me one last time 

 I lied to you but came clean too late i do fear it’s my time 

so I’ll attach this as my testament that I love you and always will. 

those whisky blue eyes stained by living on hard time 

that will and testament may smell like cheap margaritas but that’s just a reminder I tried to write us a drinking song for the very last time.