
As I lie here reminiscing on the series of unfortunate events that unfolded yesterday, I am constantly reminded of the words she spat at me.

\"I\'m bored.\"

When those two words left her luscious lips, the earth stopped rotating for what seemed to be forever. Time stopped.  And in that undying moment, my heart slipped through my stomach, tears pummeled their way through the ducts destroying everything in their path. 

\"I\'m bored\" ripped the vocal cords right out of my throat, fractured every feeling I had left, and robbed my soul of this thing we call love.

Whilst packing my things, \"I\'m bored\" was the only thing that played through the jukebox of my mind shattering all the glorious memories we shared, destroying every sweet nothing she had whispered throughout the past seven years.

In that forever moment, I glared at the mirror. Scowling and full of disdain, I took a good look at the man who made her so \"bored\" and gathered the little bit of courage that was left to hold my head up high.

Suddenly, the world spun again, the tears found their way back home, and the jukebox grew quieter.

Although what I thought was going to last forever had ended on a shitty note, I came to the realization that maybe, just maybe... It was time to love myself again.