dusk arising

bloody tower

    the bloody tower of lost lament
    stands frozen to the hour
    where on the ramparts highest reach
    he\'d held his perfumed flower
    the vacant strain of memory
    like a bitter teardrop falls
    a distant jester trills a melody
    but vengence scales the walls


    boiserous warmth of beer drunk breath
    concealed a dark intent
    from cursed lips and kissed caress
    sang the spell of deaths lament
    the witches deed now almost done
    as her jealous eyes beheld
    two innocents now danced as one
    in consciousness dispelled


    a pale eyed minstrels cadence played
    the bawdy doors thrown back
    spellbound looks turn centre stage
    a swordsman dressed in black
    the evil hag screamed out her curse
    cut short upon his blade
    a final breath was cut mid verse
    blood poisoned black night shade


    gathering then his golden jewel
    as silence fell around
    he slew the witches chosen fool
    cut him to the ground
    no minstrel there would play again
    so unfolds the widows tale
    who slowly croaks her sad refrain
    her son on sword impaled


    a full moon casts its silver peace
    across pools of yesterday
    where tears of loss found no release
    for the swordsman so they say
    a white witch calls o\'er that bloody tower
    she casts three spells each day
    across his golden jewel, his pefumed flower
    that they shall have their day.