

When all we see are leftovers

Just broken pieces to throw away

Jesus sees something useable

“Gather up the pieces” I heard Him say

When life’s bill has come to the table

And we’re broke by its high cost

Jesus say’s bring Me the pieces

In Me broken things are never lost

God delights in taking what seems done

And making it glorious and new

That’s why He uses broken things

Broken people like me and you

His power is so obvious now

His grace and mercy on display

When He gathers the broken pieces

And makes them new at end of day

“This is My body broken for you”

He told His disciples one night

Because into the brokenness

Comes His redeeming power and might

So gather up the “broken pieces”

All your doubts and fears and pain

For Jesus is the miracle worker

And what He did, He’ll do again