dusk arising

dont ask me why




dont ask me why
i grew from the child
who never saw 
himself in films
just skinny kids
good looking kids
who grew up and had their way


dont ask me why
i never learned
to love myself
the loner on a shelf
riding the bus alone
to a rocky home
where money hid the pains away


dont ask me why
i never learned to cry
nor learned to love
from mammas kisses
fathers belt strap blisters
stay out late
and creep in up those stairs


dont ask me why
i let time pass me by
looking out into the land
no confidence to hold a hand
build me up to put me down
till life was fully grown
behind the face of a clown


dont ask me why
i didnt have the answers
child of circumstance
lost in poetic romance
reflecting pointlessly
what alternative for me
but a parcel of excuses


no dont ask me why
i\'ve run right out of answers
though questions still ring
from ghosts haunting pastures
where my mind will wander
till daybreak snatches
and demons wait to plunder