Garth Rakumakoe

Walls Of Hypocrisy

It\'s a bizarrely fluid thing to observe;

how perspectives morph shape

inward out

and how they change colour

outward in

how multi-layered they can be

and how assuredly we expect

what we refuse to give


We, the brave knights in shining armors

different and right, in our convictions

We are not common with them

the wrong ones

They cannot be accepted

They are foreigners on this land

He does not belong here

and she, is abnormal

that\'s not the way she should be!

after all, we know how she was made


Her color is just not right

She has the wrong hair

like the gender of her lover

and they -

they wrong us!

Their mere presence offends us

After all we voted to be here

Decided where to be born


Unkind mankind -

They - are the borders in our minds

We, the judges and prosecutors

They, should be condemned


They come having nothing, misplaced

fleeing wars they couldn\'t wage

They have no right to be here

no right to partake, they have no stake

Self-serving separatism misleads us

the chosen loved ones

while justice remains a revolving door

that spins counter clockwise


I tell you brick and mortar could not

build stronger anti social walls

and while peacocks envy us

fiction writes novels of us

The universe spectates,

and mountains look on

The animals wonder what is wrong

They listen and watch attentively

with inquisition as we take the pains

to make them realize, it\'s those ones

it\'s them; we were never wrong

they wrong us


Until we see them, is one of us

Until we see we, are they

Until then, for all the world\'s prejudices

fingers will point blame