
The Bottom

The Bottom


I took a deep breath and dove under

Swimming through various temperature layers and degrees of darkness

But I can’t reach the bottom


I surfaced gasping to catch my breath

With more determination I inhaled until I thought my lungs were going to explode

I’m going to find the bottom


Down, down, down, and down I swam

My lungs beginning to scream in alarm and my mind starting to feel the affects

But there seemed to be no bottom


I popped firm the surface like a torpedo

I took in the air like a body taking in its first breath every part of me rejoicing in relief

But I still had not found the bottom


I rested there on the surface for a while

Face down in the water I watched glimmers of hidden figures in the dark

And wondered, Have they seen the bottom


Then I concluded that I shall not know now

Where it stops or where it goes nor shall I understand all the beasts that lie within

Especially those that dwell at the bottom