
A Letter To God👤

Address; Heaven


C/o. Gods complaint dept. URGENT///URGENT///URGENT///



Dear God,

I will never forget my grief,that grief I never asked for,therefore my inheritance,it comes with the package I guess,a package deal,per say. Well i\'v gotta say,...I\'m not impressed.But it\'s not just that grief,you know the one,..it\'s about everyday struggles. Why did you have to make life so hard?

When you gave us free will,was that not a mistake on your part? For we are but little children,we shouldn\'t be left to cause the destruction that we have,and will continue to cause.

It seems we are giving up on our home,are we not closer to finding new worlds to colonize(and probably destroy)then we are to finding solutions for OUR problems here on OUR world? If we can achieve what we have achieved,..THE STARS FOR GOD SAKE!!! Our greatest achievement.(yet we know more about them than we do our own oceans)

Do we not possess the intellectual capabilities to do what\'s right,see!! A perfect example,what\'s right?Who knows?Nobody,and as far as I\'m concerned nobody ever will as long as we have free will that allows us to say what\'s right and wrong. What\'s right for some isn\'t always right for others◀️See? LIFE HARD!!!argh😾Grrrr😠

Should OUR objective not be to find solutions for OUR problems here on OUR world,rather than take OUR problems to OTHER worlds? And let us not forget about world peace,how far along are we on that issue? Why does life have to be so hard for us?

I do acknowledge the beauty of your creation,and the creations of Mother Nature who was created by you. And I\'m guessing you gave her free will as well,because she can be pretty destructive at times,but that\'s her bone. But why so hard? I understand we need to struggle,but why so much?

It just seems,your choice to give us our choice isn\'t working out to well for us.I ask,WHERE ARE YOU GOD?

Now back to that grief,you know the one,it\'s the biggest bone I have to pick with you.So here it is GOD!

And I quote, \"For that grief,for all that grief I will never,ever,ever,ever forget,..if you ever grant me passage through the gates of heaven,and I find myself face to face with you,I swear,I\'m kicking you right in the crotch,.............





.....twice. I don\'t want you thinking it was a mistake.\"


P.s.,although i\'v always said I could never hit one,if it turns out your female,..well just for you I\'ll be willing to make an exception.


Thank you God,I look forward to your extremely desired reply. Please reply A.S.A.P.

 P.S.S. I sincerely hope not to feel this way if and when the time comes.                          sincerely; W.J.Gerhardt.,aka/FallenAngel1🕊