
When he gave her everything and she left him with nothing...


It changed him.


He who smiled most now seemed to smile the least.


His mindset shattered.

soul crushed.


His heart…



A Hypochondriac fueled by paranoia and anxiety.


An Insomniac bruised and battered by all the things he did wrong and could\'ve done right.


Trust is no longer a word in his vocabulary.

Instead, he prefers the word betrayal.


Now he is nothing but a fractured-minded, ill-tempered pile of skin and bones marching deeper and deeper into the pits of despair each day.


The days are long and the nights are cold. 


Colors aren\'t the same anymore.


And to him,  the brightest star in the sky seems to have lost that glimmering twinkle that it once had


The worst part about it is it all could\'ve been avoided had he just left her alone in the first place.


I would know best.


For I am him and woe is me.