
Unworldly Wisdom

Tune: Dove of Peace

(\'I come with joy to meet my Lord\')

1 Corinthians 2 v.9-13


By human means eyes has not seen

Nor ear heard, has not been

Nor has entered into man\'s heart

Things of God, no, no part


The things which He has prepared for

They that love Him, \'tis sure

But God has to us them revealed

By His Spirit, appealed


For the Spirit searches all things

Things of God to us brings

Even the deep things of God, we

By him spiritual[ly] see


For what man knows things of a man

Except man\'s spirit can

Show him things of human life, so

By the Spirit we know


We know the things of God which He

Gives unto us freely

And also we them speak and share

In His wisdom here, [and] there