Kurt Philip Behm

Crown Of Thorns

Cloning the emperor,

assuming the throne

knighted impostor,

unregally grown


With hell for a kingdom,

his scepter ignites

flames burning memory,

a mirror’s delight


The queen held for ransom,

 a prince in his bed

jester on fire,

all subjects rebled


A rival approaches,

the bishop a swan

his guillotine royal

—beheaded in song


(Beaupre: November, 2021)



Where Pigs Fly


The magnitude of ignorance

staggers beyond

the scope of imagining,

a weakening throng


The danger of assumption,

its hard biting edge

empowers deception

shoved over the ledge


The vacuums of denial

we fight to defend

are lost in the moment

pushed out to the end


This emptiness we carry

and knowledge we fear

footnote our destruction

—as fools shed a tear


(Rosemont College: November, 2021)