Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla

Can Gay Speak?

Can Gay Speak?

I presented my paper on

Can Gay Speak?

In one of the so-called prestigious Indian universities,

I got responses from professors, researchers, Dalits, and Ambedkar followers.

Human rights activists, Marxists, Leftists, postmodernists,

Feminists, Dalits, students, etc.

Their response is

Are you up or down?

Are you a gay man or a gay woman?

Can you show us your act?

We want to see your act.

Oh my god, we are not your type.

We are not gay.

We are men.

We fuck women.

We are natural.

We are ordinary people.

We are not psychos.

We are not unnatural.

We are not abnormal.

We are perfect males and females.

\"Hey gay, come here.\"

I became their \"fun\".

I became their ‘fun time\'.

I became their subject.

I became their object.

I am isolated.

They are targeting me

They are humiliating me.

They are shaming me.

They are embarrassing  me

They are mistreating me.

They are degrading me

They are oppressing me.

They are torturing me

They are persecuting me.

They are public speakers against human rights violations.

They are renowned human rights scholars

They are renowned Dalit human rights scholars

They are renowned feminist scholars

They are renowned Marxist scholars

They are renowned postmodern scholars

They are renowned Ambedkar scholars

They are renowned Gandhian scholars

They are renowned human rights activists.

They are renowned dalit human rights activists

They are renowned women rights activists

Both physically and mentally persecuting me.

I lost my peace of mind

I discontinued

I joined another university

Same experience

I joined another university.

Same experience

The same thing happened everywhere.

They are discriminating me

They are staring at me differently.

They are literally boycotting me.

Everywhere homophobia

Everywhere, prejudice

Everywhere transphobia

Everywhere sexism

Everywhere, bigotry

Everywhere hate-crime

Everywhere hate speech

Everywhere, fear

Everywhere classicism

From Fobia to everywhere else

Everywhere genderism is

Everywhere, bullying

Everywhere bias

Everywhere xenophobia

Everywhere intolerance

Everywhere stereotyping

Everywhere, moral talk

Everywhere fundamentalism

Everywhere objectification

Everywhere stigma

Everywhere elitism is

Everywhere hypocrisy.

Everywhere hatred

Everywhere pedophilia

Everywhere slurs

Everywhere negativity

Everywhere sectrarianism

Everywhere vulgarity

Everywhere chauvinism

Everywhere, injustice

Everywhere tribalism

Everywhere feminism

Everywhere heterosexism

Everywhere is tempted

Everywhere pervasive

I lost my rights.

I lost my constitutional rights.

I approached the cops.

Same experience

I approached a lawyer.

Same experience

I became their fun.

Fun in their circles, gangs, families, groups

At some point, I want to commit suicide.

but grew strong enough to confront them

 Dr. Suryaraju Mattimalla B.A.,M.A.,M.Phil.,Ph.D(History)


Blog: TIGRAY GENOCIDE IN ETHIOPIA (dejazamtchnegussebezabih.blogspot.com),

Twitter:  Dr Suryaraju Mattimalla (@DrMattimalla) / Twitter, 

Facebook: Surya Raju Mattimalla | Facebook

Author of unpublished autobiography:

\"Why I Am Not Indian: The Untouchable Rejecting India\'s Citizenship\"

E-mail:[email protected] 

 Published poems by Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla at My poetic side