Tune: Woodlands
(\'Tell out my soul\')
Acts 2 v.42-47
The early church continued steadfastly
In the apostles doctrine, teaching, see
And fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayers
Godly fear came on each soul, sharing cares
And many signs and wonders were done by
The apostles, they knew God\'s presence nigh
And all that believed were there together
Had all things in common, sisters, brothers
For they did sell their goods and possessions
And shared them out as they had need, each one
They continued daily, all in one mind
A fellowship strong we would of them find
They met in temple. and they did break bread*
From house to house, were in communion fed
They ate their food with gladness, singleness
Of heart, knowing the LORD He did them bless
They praised God, had favour with all people
And more daily did come to hear His call
He added to the church who saved would be
His people, in His name His family
* This is Communion. It may also mean eating meals together.