
This nonestablishmentarian (Iman) kant riff!

Otherwise titled as: Thanksgiving
nothing more\'n gobbledygook
we stuff ourselves with.


Mine suburban outpost
approximately thirty seven plus miles
southeast of where liberty bell marks
history upon cobblestone streets
where sounds of silence

from walking sticks barks

created from once hand carved
festooned relics tracing arabesque arcs.

Thru prevarication myths propagated
whereby story did suitably bend

the re-enactment whence
Colonial rule from Britain did end
thou much about
the series of unfortunate events

leaving tattered fragments
of proud nations that n’er did mend

many an indigenous native did offend

with one after another broken promises
and lands stole under their feet -
a little mentioned holocaust did rend
initial establishment of these United States
where to date citizen bankers cater
to thee ole might dollar to spend

fueling capitalistic credo
prerequisite emptying wallet
as Capital One duty to tend.

Europeans from bygone
did deliberately foment war

fast forward from those
supposed discoverers of yore
who essentially blackmailed
innocent rightful occupants

which tapestry of their culture

aggressive invaders tore
deliberately feigning kindness

when within creature comforts

(such as blankets)


deadly diseases harbored spore
ravages sans invasions
left survivors destitute and poor
of fatal impact decimated

nearly every tribe

and their concomitant folklore
obliterating accidentally called Indians

with deliberate intent to vanquish nation

of red (non bullish) men as if thru a trap door
of cunning deceit loathing

the peaceful philosophy they did adore.

Sympathy doth arise
and heart-ache in sync

with all those plaintive cries
producing unstoppable tears of misery

streaming down creased blackened eyes
this from ploy to cement bond

(when convenient) with malicious guise
to force rightful heirs of this land


to cross their t\'s and dot i\'s
without choice dealt

hellacious bit torrent torment

trumped up from countless lies
so tis with heavy cookies
and all American apple pies

this cyber poet tries
to come across as witty and wise.

Ever since landing

of that first christened boat

this sober fellow wishes

to add a rhyming footnote

re: to pay homage to those

deemed honorable,

and frequently we quote
an invitation nay strong command


go play act and cast

(come November months

divisible by four)

your presidential vote

to sustain hollow maxim

guaranteeing life, liberty and happiness
decreed from all those sacred documents

founding fathers wrote.