I don’t want to be you

Am I turning into you

Someone who quits

Who let’s others down

Who is always the victim

You were supposed to teach me how to be a women

How to be strong

How to be independent

How to be happy

instead you showed me what not to do

You showed me how to run away from family

How to flee from responsibility

And how to cheat

Yet now I’m following your footsteps

I feel sad

I feel worthless

I feel stupid

Medication controls my personality

It controls my life just like it controls yours

I crave attention from men that I shouldn’t

Which isn’t a surprise

I watched you give your body to so many men who weren’t my father

But somehow you were always forgiven

You are manipulative and easy to love

I just want to be taken care of

Just like you always get to

You get coddled

But I can’t be you

I don’t want to be you

Why am I turning into you