Doll in Wonderland

Take It All Back

Here we go again

He said he really likes me

He likes how I\'m always smiling and that I like how he smells

I can\'t stop kissing him

Touching him,

Moaning when he runs his fingers thru my skin and kisses me back

I just know that I\'m going to screw this up

He\'s going to get tired of me

My need for his attention and affection

And soon, he won\'t want to know me, anymore

He will wish he could take it all back

I\'m not going to be what he is looking for

I didn\'t sleep with him

I should\'ve when I had the chance

My heart goes all in, way too open

I just want another day, another week, another anything

I just want to know why I do this

I can\'t stop daydreaming of boring days of grocery shopping

And holding his hand when walking

And still moaning when he runs his fingers thru my skin, and kisses me back

Maybe reading to him in bed

I just want to take it all back

Forget that he met me

Forget that he made me smile

Forget the \"I really like you\"s and the \"I just want to know you\" 

And guard my fragile heart, like I should have to begin with

It\'s probably all pretty lies anyway

I should\'ve just slept with him when I had the chance.