
A Short Story of Two Seeds

Once upon a time and not so long ago, on a beautiful, sunny and windy spring day, two hopeful windborne seeds drifted aimlessly. Caressing warm air, the two seeds finally swirled into a beautiful meadow, in abundance with desirable life-giving opportunity.


As fate would have it, they came to rest very near to each other. It did not take long for the two seeds to understand that the soil upon which they rested could not be more perfect for growth. So they willingly spired and set root, feeding off the bountiful occasions blessed upon them. In such a place of perfectness the two seeds matured contentedly in both colours and design, enjoying the closeness they shared.


This nearness bestowed upon them in such a beautiful garden allowed their stems and leaves to readily and lovingly entwine, together, as naturally as nature could ever have intended. The two seeds were becoming as if one creation. In union they thrived on the seemingly ceaseless bliss of infinite and flawless circumstance. They became the most wonderous of all living things in their colourful meadow. Time did not exist as they took benefit of their special connection through the long, carefree and most pleasant of  seasons, summer.


Yet still, autumn came, as always it will, slipping coldness and darkness slowly into their  exhaulting meadow of bloom. In forming this unity they had only focused on the prosperousness they had experienced. The two seeds were certainly not prepared for the harshness of seasonal change. Slowly but surely entangled roots began to quarrel for their own survival. Interwoven stems and leaves pushed each other aside, smothering growth in a frightful battle for light from the dwaining sun. The  endless  access to nourishment they once shared willingly now had become the source of intense rivalry.
Sadly, summer\'s glory was fading quickly to darkness, the wonders of spring seemingly a forgotten memory. 


No, our two seeds did not heed  simple ,ancient and universal secrets, carried on the soft warmth of the sunbeam, conveyed gently in the quiet whisper of the caressing breeze.
Continous wisdom, pleasant to the heart as birdsong, sounding through both spring and summer...


\"To be one, take care\".


\"To the ever-changing moods of the seasons\"

\"For then union will survive\".

\"Bond will grow stronger\".

\"Flowering until the destined end of all new dawns\".


Alas, spring of beginnings and summer of abundance passed. Autumn of hope froze to winter of despair.
The  two seeds were no more.