
Love is all

Love is all

When you have it, love is all   
But just be ready for the fall.    
The wondrous   thing you feel today
Will one day surely slip away.
Embrace the moment and be glad about this precious thing you have.
The pain you feel when  at the end
You think you\'re broken, cannot mend                          
Lies and deceit     one day you\'ll see
Surely this can\'t happen to me
The one to whom you run  in need
Is the one who\'s guilty  of the deed.
So there you are hurt and alone
Your loves true colours, finally shown
You think your life is at an end but sunshine maybe around the bend    .
Your love will stay within your heart  even when you\'re far apart    .
Times a healer, so they say and pain will slowly melt away.        
Never think you won\'t get through, Strength will always come to you.
Every day that comes along will get you there and make you strong.
Keep a smile within your heart and walk towards a brand new start.