



The old man by the window\'

 Each day I sit
And look
Out of my widow 
And you ask
What do I see, ***

I see nothing
That you see.
I see only what
Is locked away
Deep within
My memory.***

I see my past, 
But it is my present, 
I see my mother,
My father and 
My brother too***

All long gone
from this world
But not to me, 
Only to you.

Some days
There are people
People who seem
To know me***

They give me hugs
They give me kisses
They all talk lovingly
To me.***

And there are times
When i seem to recall, 
A face or a sound,*** 

And just for a moment
I may seem to glimpse
A slight recognition
Of those I’m around.***

And then
My mind
Is clear again 
And I am back
Back in my world***

Where all to me, 
Is once again
All safe
And Sound.***