
The Everyday Hero

He is not the fellow who will feed your eyes on the street,
His style is constructed of neither flash nor glamour.
The comfort of ease and practicality adorns his frame,
No back-pocket comb in sight as the wind catches his unruly mop.

A thousand times he has unseen commited deeds of chivalry,
Expecting nothing in return but to see a day made easier.
Unnoticed he has overseen menacing moments of others,
With the passing of threat he is gone as if never there.

He is the man who without glory removes refuse off the street,
Not wanting tomorrow to be lesser a view for himself or for you.
always applying common sense and safety towards friend or stranger,
he understands that a second of lapse can be a moment of tragedy.

He will never let suffering of child or animal pass unattended
Gently choosing direction he calmly resolves or consoles as befits.
Address him in anger and he will still shyly offer you a smile,
To hurried or bothered strangers he will quietly give the way.

His happiness is in the joy and contentment of others,
Perhaps a twinkle in the eye if knowing he has played a role.
One simple self awareness  motivates his doings and spirit,
A keeper of assured boundaries and life-content allows all to thrive.

Discarded are the tragedies of haste, strain, anger and anxiety,
Empathy is the internal drive that lights the road he travels.

Cease your toils for a moment to let your eyes and mind wander, 
Perhaps you might catch a glimpse, of the elusive everyday hero.